Sukiyaki is a traditional Japanese meal, a variety of vegetables and thinly sliced beef cooked in a hot pot. Sukiyaki is perfect for family meals. Typically, a family will sit around the hot pot and talk about the day's events, enjoying their time together. Each family has their own style of sukiyaki, suited to their tastes, and you can experiment to create your favorite version of sukiyaki as well!
Yield: 4 servings
Time: 40 minutes
- 1 pound sliced beef
- 4-6 shiitake mushrooms
- 1/4 pound maitake mushrooms
- 1/4 pound shimeji mushrooms (remove roots and separate)
- 1/4 pound enoki mushrooms
(remove roots and separate)
- 1/4 pound boiled bamboo (chopped into bite-sizes)
- 1 futonegi (large green onion, chopped into 2" pieces)
- 1/2 pound itokonnyaku (konjac noodle)
- 1/10 pound mitsuba (also known as honewort, cut into 2" pieces)
- 1 pack yakidofu (seared/browned tofu, 350g)
- beaten eggs (optional)
- 3/4 cup soy sauce
- 1/4 cup mirin
- 1/4 cup sake
- 6 tbsp sugar
- Cut the yakidofu into 1 1/2 inch squares and boil for 1 minute, then set aside o n dish
- Cut the itokonnyaku into 1.5 inch pieces and boil for 2 minute, then set aside on dish
- Make “X” mark on the shiitake mushroom with your knife and cut root part
- Heat the lard (oil) in the pot, and grill the green onion until it is browned
- Add half the beef on the green onions then add half (3 tbsp) the sugar
- Add mirin and sake and boil
- After the mirin and sake boils, tofu, add soy sauce, mushrooms, bamboo, konyaku, and 1/2 cup of water and boil
- Add the rest of the sugar, mix, then add mitsuba and cover and boil for 3-5 mins
- Dip the sukiyaki in raw, beaten egg and eat (optional)
- Add more beef and ingredients and boil, repeating as many times as you would like
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