Tonjiru ( 豚汁)

Tonjiru simply means pork soup which includes a variety kind of vegetables and seasoned with miso. A hearty soup that is perfect to serve in a cold winter day. Tonjiru may not know very well outside Japan but in Japan it's very popular soup eaten throughout the year. 
It commonly serves at home and a local restaurant where you pick the dish you like and pay accordingly. In most of supermarket, you can easily find ready-made cut vegetables of Tonjiru. This Tonjiru is simply delicious with a bowl of plain rice.

Ingredients (2-3 servings)
 100g thinly slice pork belly

1 pack (250g) mixed vegetables for tonjiru ( Radish, carrot, konjac (konnyaku), and burdock root) Add additional vegetable like potato, shiitake mushroom, taro as you like.
1/3 pack of cotton tofu 
1 tablespoon of miso
50ml Sake (Japanese cooking wine)
3 cups of dashi stock or water
Little chopped spring onion


Ready-made cut vegetables
1. Heat the oil, stir fried thinly sliced pork quickly, and add Sake immediately.
2. Add remaining vegetables and stir it lightly.

3. Add Dashi stock or water and bring it to boil. When it gets boiled lower the heat and simmer it on a low heat for 10 minutes or until the vegetables is soft as you like. (ready-made vegetables is already pre-cooked)

4. Add tofu break by hand or cut it into a square, keep simmering it for a minute, add miso and turn off heat. ( Add more miso if using water instead of Dashi stock)

Sprinkle with chopped spring onion and the Tonjiru is ready to serve.
