Clover: Eggplant & Egg Pita w/ Rosemary Fries

So I stopped at Clover for a quick bite this weekend.  I don't know if any of you have heard of it, but I knew Clover as a food truck place in Boston and now it's opening up stores at various locations in Massachusetts.  From what I understand, it's suppose to be sort of a health fast food restaurant.  They use organic and local ingredients when they can, and all the Clover establishments including the truck have a very minimalist feel to it - seriously, everything from the white walls and self tear place mats, to the actual Clover sign typeface.  The cutest thing was when the cook who was making my eggplant and egg pita called out my name and said, "Christina, I just wanted you to know that THIS eggplant (he held it up near the stove in the open format kitchen) will be the eggplant in your sandwich.  I don't know about you, but it brought a smile to my face, and I sort of think it's a really neat idea to connect your food to you in this manner.

Oh right, just wanted to talk about the pita for a bit.  I'm one of those people that hate eggs.  I hate the flavor, the smell - it grosses me out - UNLESS it's in a dessert or something where I can't tell it's in it.  And if I do ever have to eat an egg, I only like the whites.  So what I'm saying is that this sandwich was really good - good enough that the eggs actually tasted good.  And man, I didn't miss meat at all because the eggplant was grilled perfectly - not too soft but just enough bite to make it taste and feel meaty.  My favorite thing about the pita was probably the sauce they put on.  It's a bit hummus-y but better.

The rosemary fries were ok - I think they needed to be a bit more crispy and have more of that rosemary flavor, but everything else was super.
