Piiman no gomaae / green pepper in coarsely ground sesame seed dressing

Succulent green pepper in toasted sesame dressing. A light gomaae dish.


1 small green pepper
1 tbsp toasted white sesame seeds
1/2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp sake + mirin (equal parts)


Slice green pepper into strips 5 mm wide.

Blanch, drain, and cool.


Microwave sake + mirin mixture for 5 seconds to get rid of alcohol.

In a suribachi mortar, coarsely grind toasted sesame seeds.

Add sake + mirin mixture and soy sauce, and mix well.


When green pepper cools, add to sesame dressing, and mix well.

  • Blanch green pepper for 30 seconds to 1 minute, or until color of inner part becomes somewhat translucent.
  • The dressing should taste somewhat strong; the moisture content of the pepper will soften the taste and make it mild.
  • If a thin-walled type pepper is used, reduce the amount of soy sauce somewhat to ensure it is not too salty.
